Monday, March 25, 2013

Picking up a Book You Normally Wouldn't Read...

Okay, we all get into ruts.... Ruts at work, school, home life, the books we read, the movies we watch.  Part of my goal in using this blog is to get me out of the ruts I sometimes find myself in and to start enjoying the plethoria of books and movies categories out there. 
Now, there is nothing wrong with knowing what you like and sticking with it, sometimes it is good to see what is out there.  That being said, do you ever pick up a book or watch a movie that you aren't sure you will like?  If you do, what have the results been?
Recently, I have been getting out of my rut with books, movies and TV shows and trying new books/movies/shows that I wouldn't normally watch.  Sometimes I have been rewarded with the results, and sometimes I have been disappointed.  When there is a book that I'm not sure I'd like, I tend to put it off for awhile.  And I sometimes I end up regretting waiting to read it for so long. 
The most recent example of this was the movie "Argo".  This was one of those movies that even though I had heard so many good things about it, my mind went "eh, I don't know about this one..."  So I decided to try this movie.  And I was disappointed.  I thought that it was slow and while the story had great potential, it just didn't interest me. 
On the opposite side of the spectrum is when I read the book The Host by Stephanie Meyer.  I had read the Twilight series, but I did think they were a little young and I really didn't like how weak Bella was.  However, The Host was a book I ended up really enjoying.  I loved the inner struggles of the characters as well as the external struggles. 
I don't think there is anything wrong with trying a book and not liking it.  I think there is something wrong with not trying a book because you think you might not like it.  Like it or not, it's all about trying to expand your horizons and getting to enjoy things outside of your comfort zone.  Start with a book, and who knows, maybe you will try sky-diving some time!


  1. good advice for anyone. now I am going to have to try that book...

  2. I felt the same way about ARGO and The Host! (Just started re-reading The Host) Here are a few books I've had sitting to read, but just can't get myself to pick them up. The 19th Wife, Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and Suite Francaise. All have been recommend, but just not my taste for reading. Thanks for the post that will get me to read them!
    -Dian Ross
