Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Delayed Penalty by Shey Stahl Book Review

Delayed Penalty by Shey Stahl follows the journey of Evan, a hockey player in the NHL and Ami, the woman he finds brutally assaulted in an alley.  While this book deals with the heartbreaking truth of rape, the author handles the subject matter delicately and does it justice.
After saving Ami from that alley, Evan can't get her off of his mind.  Their relationship starts to develop and they slowly fall in love with each other.  Both are young, and I really like the author's development of the story and the way the characters understand they are young and can take things slow.
Understandably Ami and Evan have to heal from the trauma of what Ami went through and Ms. Stahl doesn't hide from those tough subjects.  I simply love how Evan is so caring and kind, but he is still an NHL tough-guy who gets into fights on the ice.

Delayed Penalty (Crossing the Line, #1)

Other than some random letters out of place, the book was an emotional rollercoaster of a read, but one that kept me rooting for Ami and Evan. The cover says it all, "No bonds is greater than the ones you'll bleed for."  There are several good lessons to take from this book, not the least being the aforementioned statement.  This is definitely not a light read, but it's a book worth reading.

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